
Module Contents



The General part of the RelCAT config


The model part of the RelCAT config


The train part of the RelCAT config


The RelCAT part of the config

class medcat.config_rel_cat.General

Bases: medcat.config.MixingConfig, medcat.config.BaseModel

The General part of the RelCAT config

device: str = 'cpu'
relation_type_filter_pairs: List = []

Map from category values to ID, if empty it will be autocalculated during training

vocab_size: medcat.config.Optional[int]
lowercase: bool = True

If true all input text will be lowercased

cntx_left: int = 15

Number of tokens to take from the left of the concept

cntx_right: int = 15

Number of tokens to take from the right of the concept

window_size: int = 300

Max acceptable dinstance between entities (in characters), care when using this as it can produce sentences that are over 512 tokens (limit is given by tokenizer)

mct_export_max_non_rel_sample_size: int = 200

Limit the number of ‘Other’ samples selected for training/test. This is applied per encountered medcat project, sample_size/num_projects.

mct_export_create_addl_rels: bool = False

When processing relations from a MedCAT export, relations labeled as ‘Other’ are created from all the annotations pairs available

tokenizer_name: str = 'bert'
model_name: str = 'bert-base-uncased'
log_level: int
max_seq_length: int = 512
tokenizer_special_tokens: bool = False
annotation_schema_tag_ids: List = []

If a foreign non-MCAT trainer dataset is used, you can insert your own Rel entity token delimiters into the tokenizer, copy those token IDs here, and also resize your tokenizer embeddings and adjust the hidden_size of the model, this will depend on the number of tokens you introduce

labels2idx: Dict
idx2labels: Dict
pin_memory: bool = True
seed: int = 13
task: str = 'train'
class medcat.config_rel_cat.Model

Bases: medcat.config.MixingConfig, medcat.config.BaseModel

The model part of the RelCAT config

class Config
validate_assignment = True
input_size: int = 300
hidden_size: int = 768
hidden_layers: int = 3

hidden_size * 5, 5 being the number of tokens, default (s1,s2,e1,e2+CLS)

model_size: int = 5120
dropout: float = 0.2
num_directions: int = 2

2 - bidirectional model, 1 - unidirectional

padding_idx: int
emb_grad: bool = True

If True the embeddings will also be trained

ignore_cpos: bool = False

If set to True center positions will be ignored when calculating represenation

class medcat.config_rel_cat.Train

Bases: medcat.config.MixingConfig, medcat.config.BaseModel

The train part of the RelCAT config

class Config
validate_assignment = True
nclasses: int = 2

Number of classes that this model will output

batch_size: int = 25
nepochs: int = 1
lr: float = 0.0001
adam_epsilon: float = 0.0001
test_size: float = 0.2
gradient_acc_steps: int = 1
multistep_milestones: List[int] = [2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 30]
multistep_lr_gamma: float = 0.8
max_grad_norm: float = 1.0
shuffle_data: bool = True

Used only during training, if set the dataset will be shuffled before train/test split

class_weights: medcat.config.Optional[Any]
score_average: str = 'weighted'

What to use for averaging F1/P/R across labels

auto_save_model: bool = True

Should the model be saved during training for best results

class medcat.config_rel_cat.ConfigRelCAT

Bases: medcat.config.MixingConfig, medcat.config.BaseModel

The RelCAT part of the config

class Config
validate_assignment = True
general: General
model: Model
train: Train